It is advisable for your company to be of a series of legal aspects, among them the following ones These include the following:
Firstly, you should be aware that this is not an absolute right (i.e. you do not have to grant it as a right), and that a period of 15 days must be opened in order to reach an agreement, in order to reach a final agreement. Such negotiation must be in good faith and minutes of each session must be taken, during which the company may make alternative proposals with the objective of conciliation, but bear in mind that the company may have organizational and production reasons that make it impossible to grant 100% of the worker’s request, i.e. the working day proposed by the worker may affect the operation of the company.
At Assessoria Florit we accompany you from the reception of the letter of request for adaptation, during the negotiations, to the defence of the interests of the company in Social Judicial proceedings, we are specialists in labour negotiations, we have also obtained recent favourable sentences for companies in the matter of Adaptation of Working Hours, a very new matter. Disputes arising between the Company’s management and the employee shall be resolved in the Social Jurisdiction through the procedure established in article 139 of Law 36/2011, of 10 October, Regulating Social Jurisdiction.